Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Buddy's Writing Show #12 - Interview with Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer Garrett Robinson

Garrett Robinson has a lot going on. He's a filmmaker who writes and directs films and he's also an author of many science fiction and fantasy books. In this interview we discuss his books, which contain such titles as Touch, Non-Zombie, Hit Girls, The Ninjabread Man and Realmkeepers. A lot of titles there and he's been publishing for just over one year. Pretty impressive if you ask me (and even if you don't ask me.) Watch and hear us talk about how he's been doing it. Be sure to check out Garrett's books on Amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/kr646ps. Also, he's one of the co-hosts of a great show for writers called The Storytelling Podcast. You can find those shows either athttp://thestorytellingpodcast.com/ or on Garret's YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGarre....  

Thanks for watching!

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